Whitewater Forum: PFD Legally Required
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PFD Legally Required

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Topic: PFD Legally Required
Posted By: James
Subject: PFD Legally Required
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2011 at 11:51am
Just a heads up... (only applies within King County)

A few days ago I was on a local river squirt boatin and was given a citation for not wearing a PFD. I explained that wearing PFDs when your squirt boating would be counter productive and that I was a relatively experienced on the river but it did not matter much.  You also can not swim in major rivers without a PFD any longer.

Here are the details.
http://mkcclegisearch.kingcounty.gov/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=913774&GUID=4EFD36D9-F0DD-4B8C-924D-8303878E64A7&Options=&Search= -
Actual Link to county ordinance

All persons who are on or in major rivers in King County shall wear a personal flotation device at all times.  A person is on a major river if that person is floating in or upon any type of buoyant device, including but not limited to any boat, raft, log raft, vessel, watercraft, air mattress, inner tube, surf board, sail board, canoe or kayak, on the waters of any major river as defined in this title.  A person is in a major river if that person is swimming or wading more than five feet from shore, or in water more than four feet in depth...."

I could argue that I was not "On" the river since my boat is not a buoyant device, but then I would certainly be "In" the river since I was over 5 feet from shore and in water much deeper than 4 feet. Regardless I will try to fight the citation...

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2011 at 12:07pm
Great. More laws and rules to protect stupid people from themselves.

How are the Fish n Wildlife peeps gonna count fish with a Pfd on?

When squirt boating is out lawed, only outlaws will squirt.
Wait. That's almost how it is already.

Wow. No squirt boating in king county, eh?

But then again, isn't the squirt boat itself a "personal flotation device" ?

I'm outta here for a bit. I'd rather listen to the birds chirping alongside the river.


Posted By: Tobin
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2011 at 12:23pm
I am eagerly waiting to see how you 'dispute' this citation James!
Please keep us posted


Posted By: Dale
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2011 at 12:36pm
That sucks.

Many states require that you wear a pfd in canoes and kayaks, but make exceptions for race boats, exhibition boats, ect... Some Southeastern squirtboaters have copied and waterproofed these exceptions and carry it with them. I haven't heard any cases where this worked... but... :-)

On the Ocoee and Nantahala, squirtboaters have quite a reputation and rangers pay close attention to them.

I have a PFD modified such that I can pull the flotation out of it, as do many other squirtboaters. It may fool them from a distance, but if they are close or really look at you, it has an odd, flat appearance. If a ranger sees you and tries to "pull you over", might I suggest you fake a swim and try to dig out your flotation, stuff it back in your PFD, then blame your swim on said Ranger?

Where's all the good squirtin'?

Posted By: Dale
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2011 at 12:39pm
JP... if you can get the Coast Guard to approve each individual make of squirt boat as a flotation device, you would win the respect & admiration of the hundreds of squirtboaters world wide.

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2011 at 12:46pm
Originally posted by Dale

the hundreds of squirtboaters world wide.

hahaha that is pretty funny. I think this affects maybe 20-30 squirters here in King County... lol

Also just to clarify for those that might think this is no big deal, its not really. The first citation carries no monetary penalty. They issue the first one more like a written warning so you know the new ordinance and so if you are cited again they can enforce it with a monetary penalty. So is it a big deal? not for my pocket book but certainly for my squirt boating within king county.

Posted By: Dale
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2011 at 12:52pm
In most states, you would get the ticket for not wearing your PFD while in your kayak. Was the citation for swimming without a PFD or for not wearing one while in your kayak? If not for this new law, would it be legal to kayak without a PFD?

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2011 at 1:04pm
The citation does not say any of that , just the county ordinance cited in the violations box and the phrase "No PFD - 1st Citation, Warning Issued" in the notes. What really has me intrigued is the fact that you can't swim in the river without a PFD. I love swimming in the river, I mean not out of my kayak but I like finding little holes and practicing my fish manuevers underwater.... Guess that ain't happening in the county anymore.

Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2011 at 1:15pm
SO, if you are snorqaling (cant spell) you have to wear a pfd? That pretty much makes a snorqle and mask useless...


Posted By: BrianP
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2011 at 2:18pm
what about one of those CO2 inflateable PFD's?

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2011 at 3:43pm
The bladder in the lo-profile PFDs along with plastic do add buoyancy. Not to interested in going out and trying to squirtboat wearing gear that will prevent the actual mission. Even a drytop with a tiny bit of air makes it hard to sink. I actually suck the air totally out of my top and boat using the sleeve of my drytop. When I am done the skirt is actually pulled down into the cockpit area because of the vacuum.

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2011 at 4:05pm
No .. actually I was manuevering underwater around a rootwad when some of my long hair got tangled up in the roots. Luckily I was able to break off the branch and when i got to the surface I figured for safety sake I better cut the hair lest that happen again. Although I know guys that do put weights in the boat the problem is that it changes the way you move underwater. Ideally you don't want weights because they cause you to go off axis while you are working your magic. Imagine you were making a blended strawberry smoothy and while you were adding the berries someone tossed a rock in the blender... now you know what I am talking about here.

Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2011 at 4:14pm
I think we may have grounds for a lawsuit? This law hampers you ability to express yourself while squirt boating. Freedom of expression, and squirt boating may be considered and art. Lets SUE ThE Bastards...or should I say FAT BASTARDS!!! Most of the polititions are pretty fat mo fos...


Posted By: James
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2011 at 4:22pm
Have you ever considered running for an office Dave?

Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2011 at 5:09pm
I dont want to get fat...but I could probably find ways to suck money out of others like making stupid laws and requiring passes. I could make it a law that everyone has to wear a hat because it will keep you head from getting sun burnt and lower the skin cancer rate...or maybe I could require everyone to have a pass to park in thier driveways so we can help pay for road improvements...


Posted By: olyyakker
Date Posted: 07 Jul 2011 at 8:10pm

That sucks! I was once the target of a coast guard when I was surfing the groins @ westport during a red flag day. They sent a cutter and a ground crew to reel me in since I was in a "boat", they left the surfers alone. I waited them out, the surf was really good but it points out that we are all unfortunately at the mercy of "THE MAN". I call it the price of admission to enjoy the magical places we get to explore. My advice would be to pay the ticket, probably would be much cheaper than fighting it. Just my 2 cents.

Posted By: franzhorner
Date Posted: 08 Jul 2011 at 10:40am
Mike Barker used to wear what he called a "fake" life jacket.  It was basically an old PFD that he cut the flotation out of.  I doubt the authorities are going to be calling on you to show them your PFD.  If they see you out there with what appears to be a PFD they should have no reason to check you out.....


Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 08 Jul 2011 at 5:19pm
Thats it, I have had enough!!! From now on I'm Kayking naked, swimming naked, parking naked, fu*k these assholes, They can write me up for not wearning a PFD and not having a parking pass while I'm NAKED!!!!!! hahahahahahahhaa


Posted By: irenen
Date Posted: 08 Jul 2011 at 5:48pm

On behalf of the the kayaking community, thank you for the heads up, Dave.

It's all fun and games until someone loses a paddle.

Posted By: rokmnky
Date Posted: 11 Jul 2011 at 7:34am
I heard about this on the radio. Does anyone know if it extends beyond King county? My girlfriend and her friends are going to leavenworth this weekend and want to do the tubing section. Pretty lame to wear a life jacket on a tubing run.

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