Professor Paddle: Ernie's Canyon diversion possibility Seattle Washington (WA) Warehousing & Order Fulfillment Seattle Washington (WA) Warehousing & Order Fulfillment Seattle Washington (WA) Commercial Relocation Warehousing & Order Fulfillment
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Rock Bumper
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  Quote dcell Replybullet Topic: Ernie's Canyon diversion possibility
    Posted: 25 May 2011 at 3:52pm
Before you freak out over the subject, read on. I recently ran the run above Ernie's on the NF Snoqualmie, and I met a guy at the bridge who told me that he is looking into setting up a diversion dam on Ernie's Canyon for electricity. He said that he is a rafter, and he would like to talk to people who do this run about how to work together. His idea is that his company would work with kayakers so that if they want to do the run, the diversion amount would be modified to make it possible for people to do the run. He even mentioned the idea of providing transportation down to the put-in at the bridge.

If you guys want to contact him, here is his info:

Thom Fischer
Whitewater Engineering Corp.
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  Quote fiddleyak Replybullet Posted: 25 May 2011 at 4:20pm
Don't freak out at the suggestion of diverting water away from the best whitewater in the Seattle area? Get real.

What's the probability that a profit-making venture would willingly forgo money to let paddlers run a river? I can't see that ever being reality in the long-term.
Offering a ride for the 1-mile hike-in? Yeah, that's mitigation.

Thanks for the heads up, at least. I like the NF the way it is.

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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 25 May 2011 at 4:32pm
I hear rafters saying Damn kayakers all the time,
would this make it appropriate to say Dam Rafter by any chance....

ahahah probably a totally inappropriate joke.
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Rock Bumper
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  Quote dcell Replybullet Posted: 25 May 2011 at 4:35pm
Actually, the mitigation would be to manage the diversion amount so you would have enough water to run it. But, you guys are welcome to go make this guy feel really bad so he won't even consider helping you out, and still do the diversion for electricity. It's so much easier for him to just take it all anyway.

I guess it was a little much to ask you not to freak out until you read and understood my message. Too many rock shots to the noggin?
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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 25 May 2011 at 4:45pm
I don't think it is freaking out or trying to make him feel bad, Dcell. I think it is great that he is willing to entertain discussion on the subject, of course I think it is more important to fight the whole project considering the permitting requirements that have not be fullfilled yet. There are few drainages that make sense for Hydro, and I am against them in general I can understand the appeal of this one because it is above snoqualmie so it does not affect steelhead and salmon runs, but quite honestly the affect to recreation along the N.Fork road would be terrible.

Just because someone disagrees does not mean they are trying to make you feel bad. Ben understandable is passionate on the subject considering he paddles that run alot.

Imagine if they said they were going to repair howard hanson and make it much bigger thus the Green River would flow less and less often. Many folks would be equally passionate against that type of project and I am sure this is just how Ben feels about ernies.
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  Quote fiddleyak Replybullet Posted: 25 May 2011 at 4:58pm
Rather then shots to the noggin, my skepticism is due to the fact that power companies are not known to make expensive concessions to paddlers unless forced to do so. Releasing water whenever paddlers asked would be expensive, and untenable in the long term, especially if this run ever becomes as popular as it deserves to be.

I just emailed the guy, I'm happy to hear what he has to say, but pardon me if I immediately come out and say that DIVERTING WATER AWAY FROM ERNIE'S CANYON WOULD BE A TRAGEDY.

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  Quote jalmquist Replybullet Posted: 25 May 2011 at 8:49pm
Before we all start emailing this guy, it might behoove us to link in Tom O'Keefe and AW... 
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  Quote PowWrangler Replybullet Posted: 25 May 2011 at 10:30pm
My first reaction would be skepticism like Ben. 

This guy's company develops, owns and operates hydro projects.  Regardless of his promises, he's not going to own the project forever and then it's up to the whim of whoever owns it next. 

He says he's a "rafter" but he's in the business of dewatering rivers and creeks.  Sounds fishy.

No sense in emailing him, let AW do the representing as Jon said.
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  Quote tiziak Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 5:42am
How can the cost of building a dam on the NF, the cost of the permits and the general maintenance costs associated with a long term project possibly be less than just buying the power from PSE. Or just using a generator? What are they doing out there other than harvesting trees? There is so little water in that creekbed I don't see how it can be considered a viable powersource? This doesn't make sense.
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Daniel Patrinellis
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  Quote AaronS Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 6:36am a thread about a diversion dam...on a whitewater forum...expect paddlers to "not freak out"...then accost them for leveling their very real concerns...interesting.

Don't we have some of the lowest power costs in the nation due to our abundance of hydro power? Weren't they recently threatening to shut the wind farms down for periods of time so as not to compete with the hydro companies? I agree wit Dan, how foes this make any sense?
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  Quote tiziak Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 6:45am
I emailed Tom this morning asking if he has heard about this and to please check out this thread.
I also emailed Thom asking for more specifics as well as permit status, timelines and contact info for the governing body.
I have nothing against hydro power. But, where I grew up, relations between the boating community and the power company degraded to the point that the dam only released monday through thursday for almost 3 years...
If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.

Daniel Patrinellis
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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 9:50am
I hear folks complain about how little the Green runs all the time and if it lost even more release I am sure you would hear more complaining. Again I am not saying we should all complain just that when you affect the flow on a run that is special to someone it is going to cause unrest. No one is really trying to offend anyone here it is obvious so if the discussion continues lets focus on the project not people.

Slick, a diversion for power generation causes de-watering. You can't divert and not de-water, don't want to call it a dam, cool Ashlu is not a dam either, although there must be a dam present for the "diversion" it is not a proper dam for holding water in a reservoir.

 Release is applicable however because if you divert the water you have to release it back some where and if you have a diversion setup you must decided how much water to divert for your use, and then how much to "release" down stream.

I think it was great that DCell posted and I should not have joked about, but you can't expect a bunch of river lovers to just jump on a support wagon for a project that hugely impacts a rivershed and when they don't be offended or consider it rude.

I support the rivers, and I don't think that these types of projects are sustainable or viable for any purpose. I am trying to think of another word that ends in "ble" but they are not coming to be. Trouble, Bubble, Fumble, Rumble, Tumble, see I am getting no where, just like this post. Sometimes it's hard to stop huh?
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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 10:32am
I have more of a beef with the fact that the purpose of the resevoir on the Green was not for water sales, and that the usage of the resevoir over the past 15 years has become increasing targetted at just that. In my opinion the breech in the integrity of that dam is due to the change in usage. If it were simple flood mitigation that resevoir would have been drained prior to the storm a few years ago. That change in usage is what is also a concern on any river project, you say lets just skim off a little 50cfs maybe 100 but in 2 years that can easily get bigger, and history shows we don't often reverse the cycle of demand in profits but rather increase it.

I do recall a few threads by the way about the usage of HH res. and the increase in capacity. The difference is that when they increased the capacity they never set about major construction with an advertised repurpose for the res. If they did that, ie stated hey were not worried about flood mitigation, were going to do power and drinking water, which would be like the Skagit, well I do think you might hear a big of squaking, and I can promise at our next wine and cheese night you would have a hard time getting me to put a lid on my can!!!
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  Quote fiddleyak Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 11:09am
Originally posted by James

Slick, a diversion for power generation causes de-watering. You can't divert and not de-water, don't want to call it a dam, cool Ashlu is not a dam either, although there must be a dam present for the "diversion" it is not a proper dam for holding water in a reservoir.

Slickhorn, James hits the nail on the head. What does it matter how much water we are talking about or what type dam is being proposed? It seems like you are making an issue of semantics, and it's confusing.

Your disucssion about the Green is getting a little off topic, but I will say that I didn't realize how horrible losing that river was until I got to run it at high water this year. What a tragedy that we don't get to have the Green with it's natural flow regime.

It would be great to get more information and how we as paddlers can oppose any plans to develop hydropower on the NF Snoqualmie. I trust that American Whitewater wiill get involved if this truly is a credible threat and I will help any way I can.
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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 11:29am
I typed a nice response and lost it so I will make this one short.

1. Lowest ele on the green res. is 1020, sediment damage is 1030-1040 per ACE.
2. They could have gone lower, I don't think it would have made a huge difference so I agree with you on that.
3. The biggest issue is that they not only held off letting out water but they backed off by lowering the flow for 16 hours during the biggest peak. Why? well that may never be known. My understanding is that they wanted the luxury of leveling off the res. to the level they wanted to enter summer with knowing that this particular storm could have big impact on the snow pack that season, limiting captures which it did.

Had the focus been on mitigation only I think it would have ended differently but that is not my main point. MY point is that they use that structure for something other than it was designed. I don't argue it is needed, the Green used to flood the valley bad bad bad back in the day and that res. saved lives and a lot of money. So yea I agree it was a good purpose but mitigation is not what people were focusing that dams use for a few years ago. It had been almost 10 years since a late season storm so folks got soft and thought they could balance profits with purpose. Was it a massive storm, sure but there is still fault regardless of the fact that it might not have 100% changed the outcome.

I just don't want more developed hydro projects, I would prefer to turn off the car and maybe not use a computer before loosing these priceless resources. Unfortunately that is not what 99% of the people feel which means we need to start blowing up cars and infecting PCs with Viruses. Holy crap, does that make Terrorists and Chinese hackers patriots? ... I just did it again, started yaking about. Ok time for me to get back to work.

Edited by James - 26 May 2011 at 11:30am
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Rio Banditos
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  Quote JoesKayak Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 11:50am
This is not the first time that a project has been proposed on the NF Snoqualmie. Back in the 80s (and perhaps earlier as well, would need to research further) the city of Bellevue wanted to build a dam and reservoir on the NF for a municipal water supply.

I think they were jealous of Seattle's dams on the Cedar and SF Tolt, Tacoma on the Green and for f's sake, even Everett has a dam on the Sultan, so why don't we have one? Luckily that project died, mostly because of the cost because they wanted the dam to be built as a joint project by Nordstrom and BMW. OK, that last bit might be a partial fabrication, but the rest is true.

I was hoping after that last threat, we were good to go now as far as no new dams on the upper Snoqualmie basin. But it looks like we have a new threat. Too bad. Hopefully we can keep this from happening. It seems like a poor choice of placement for a hydro power project to me. Of course I'm more in favor in removing dams than building them... whether they are impoundment dams or diversion.
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Rio Banditos
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  Quote JoesKayak Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 11:57am
And to those who jumped on dcell... give him a break. Don't shoot the messenger. He's a boater and has the same concerns as the rest of the community. That's why he passed this info on. He should be thanked for sharing and getting information on this matter first hand.

And also, he didn't say don't freak out... He said to read his full post on the matter before you freak out (and not just freak out on the title alone). Once you read his full post (which isnt very long) you are free to freak out in whatever manner best befits you.

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  Quote fiddleyak Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 12:51pm
My first post wasn't intended to attack the messenger.
I guess I was trying to make the point that even though the developer may be trying to work with whitewater interests, this is still an issue worth "freaking out about".
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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 12:56pm
Thanks dcell that was kind to pass along and I agree with Joe 100%. We should be thanking you and your friend for even letting this information flow and allowing discussion and comments.

Brian I agree with your points but would prefer to save face and keep arguing ... Nkay

Again since I am a rafter too I should have never cracked a joke. I am not funny and I am just trying to be more sauve.
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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 12:58pm
Ps I just gave props to Dcell and neg myself because I deserve a stern talking too
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Rio Banditos
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  Quote JoesKayak Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 1:02pm
Originally posted by fiddleyak

My first post wasn't intended to attack the messenger.
I guess I was trying to make the point that even though the developer may be trying to work with whitewater interests, this is still an issue worth "freaking out about".

I agree. I'd like to see what it is that's being proposed. I'm concerned about more of these smaller hydro projects creeping in... such as the one on Youngs creek in the Sky drainage.
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Rio Banditos
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  Quote JoesKayak Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 1:04pm
Originally posted by slickhorn

wait ... was this a debate?  I was just trying to be contrary!

I didn't read any of your posts, but I'm pretty sure I disagree with them.

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Rio Banditos
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  Quote JoesKayak Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 1:05pm
Originally posted by James

Ps I just gave props to Dcell and neg myself because I deserve a stern talking too

Well done, after that stern talking to, you should take a bow.

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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 1:10pm
I am to embarrassed.
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  Quote fiddleyak Replybullet Posted: 26 May 2011 at 1:34pm
Originally posted by JoesKayak

I agree. I'd like to see what it is that's being proposed. I'm concerned about more of these smaller hydro projects creeping in... such as the one on Youngs creek in the Sky drainage.

And the other point I was trying to make is that Ernie's is not just some random stretch of water (I've never heard of Young's Creek), but arguably the 2nd best whitewater run in the State of Washington, after the Little White Salmon
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