Professor Paddle: Robe Race 2009 Seattle Washington (WA) Warehousing & Order Fulfillment Seattle Washington (WA) Warehousing & Order Fulfillment Seattle Washington (WA) Commercial Relocation Warehousing & Order Fulfillment
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  Quote fiddleyak Replybullet Posted: 16 May 2009 at 10:45pm
Just heard from Todd that he doesn't have a single volunteer.
What's up with everybody? Does nobody want to take a hike on a beautiful day to support an event? Canyon Creek will an awesome flow, as soon as the race is over you can get a lap on that and then drink the beer that the organizer has provided.
I hope people come out tomorrow, flow is perfect and the weather is better than I can remember. Next weekend is memorial day, I'm looking to take a boating trip out of town so I hope the Robe Race goes forward as scheduled.

Edited by fiddleyak - 16 May 2009 at 10:49pm
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  Quote toddg Replybullet Posted: 17 May 2009 at 6:37am
gonna have to postpone it for now.

lack of support is one thing .. the other is that, at 6.4, it's over the high end i set.

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  Quote 1150lbsofaire Replybullet Posted: 17 May 2009 at 9:56pm
did anyone run robe today? if so they should get the robe
lookin for a bow cap for a storm
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water wacko
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  Quote water wacko Replybullet Posted: 17 May 2009 at 10:34pm
I know my friend Rob Mckibbin was out there.
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  Quote ALCOHOLIC Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 12:38am
Brett.. Rob doesn't even like you... You can call him your friend and that's great but when he speaks of you the word "friend" never really come out of his mouth.. Usually it's like bonehead, or idiot, or cum-guzzler, fuck-face, gaper, shit-head... Things like that.. Just never heard him say Brett's my "friend".. Weird huh? I think he even called you an ass-clown tea bag lover once. What is an ass-clown tea bag lover Brett? hehehe hahaha hohoho! Anyway, just so yo know, I LOVE YOU...
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  Quote belshazzar Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 12:25pm
Hmm .... I have never heard Rob use such language unless the person is present, although one time he did call this kid a dirty weaping pussy for running some little waterfall sloppy and breaking a paddle, other than that and another time we were at a truckstop looking for dates such foul language has never been Robs likelyness, unless your camping, or boating, or maybe just hanging out.
Isn't this thread about the Robe Race though?
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  Quote coreboater Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 12:46pm
Bunch of pussies, all accept for Rob, that is...
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  Quote Fish Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 12:59pm
It's a bummer that the race had to be postponed,  i hope we can pull together and reschedule, i had a great time last year, and i'm sure this year will be even better! 

Edited by Fish - 19 May 2009 at 10:01am
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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 1:02pm
I am thinking that people are either not reading or misreading the title of this thread. Don't forget the E, it's not the Rob Race thread. Let's get back to the subject.

When is the race going to be re-scheduled?
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  Quote ALCOHOLIC Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 1:31pm
Oh yeah, Robe Race.. Jeez Brett! always trying to veer off the subject with some stupid comment.. What I meant to say is hopefully the robe race is the weekend after memorial. If so I could come out and help with safety, I would like to do some filming as well but I could definitely be of some help. anyway, Leavenworth this weekend! see ya'll there, lots o water, lots of bikin, lots o vagina.... oh and beer!
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  Quote RemAcct2 Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 1:40pm

Edited by leifkirchoff - 19 May 2009 at 10:24am
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water wacko
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  Quote water wacko Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 2:03pm
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." ~Howard Thurman
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  Quote toddg Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 2:49pm
huh ... interesting how this thread finally gets some posts AFTER the race date. i got damn little feedback early on about when to hold the race or even about teams. i NEVER got a reply from just about every single one of the people who came out & contributed to the fun we had last year. as of this past friday at midnight, i had a grand total of 2 people committed to helping with time keeping. everyone else silently sat on their hands & looked for a better alternative for the weekend .. with zero communication back to me.

fish i'm surprised to see your post. i never got a response from you or JP regarding the mass email / post i posted -- the one with "3 questions". & where were you guys on saturday when it was at a PERFECT flow & 70 degrees? 2 groups on the river all day the day before the race.

all the info i got, apart from the 5 teams who called me to say "let's race at 6 ft", came second hand. no responses to the email or the PP post. kinda hard to plan an event when no one communicates.

alcoholic, it would be cool if instead of trolling for bad vibes on the forums, maybe you could just commit to racing or at least volunteering. i know you've run robe -- what -- once? twice? so maybe it's time for you to get some practice runs in & actually get comfy on the run so you can commit to racing it & actually earn the right to talk shit on the Robe Race thread. & brett? you've totally avoided this topic/event all along & have never even run robe canyon (& yet somehow you definitely seem to have some strong opinions on the run). why is it that you're now name-dropping on the thread that was intended to rally some support for a fun event?

if you guys have feedback for when you would like the race to be held, i will take it into consideration. but after the totally underwhelming response i've gotten from this community thus far, i think it would make more sense for me to make the decision based on data i can pull from Snotel & from a combination of long range forecast info.

if anyone is willing to actually COMMIT to taking a day out of their busy lives & pitching in (& drinking beer you won't have to buy & eating food you won't have to cook & having fun with friends), then please get in touch.


ps, sorry if i sound a bit salty on this post .. i was disappointed by the lack of communication from everyone in the days leading up to the event, & was bummed to have to postpone .. but that's the breaks. we'll do it later & it will be fun.
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  Quote Fish Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 3:25pm
I really appreciate all your effort to put this race together again.  I know JP and I were pretty stoked to race on Sunday, but with thewater levels well over 6 feet, and lack of safety support,  my motivated disipated, cant speak for JP.    In my email to you prior to the race, i stated my concerns about the lack of safety volunteers for the race, and that strongly influenced my decision personally. 
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  Quote toddg Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 4:50pm
Originally posted by Fish

Todd,I really appreciate all your effort to put this race together again.  I know JP and I were pretty stoked to race on Sunday, but with thewater levels well over 6 feet, and lack of safety support,  my motivated disipated, cant speak for JP.    In my email to you prior to the race, i stated my concerns about the lack of safety volunteers for the race, and that strongly influenced my decision personally. 

yeah, i totally understand that scott. it's no worries. i'm referring mainly to how i never heard from a huge group of people from friday through sunday morning, when i was literally begging everyone to let me know what they were thinking in terms of levels, safety, volunteering, postponing, etc.

ben brought up a great point earlier in this thread (late saturday night) -- for those racers who didn't want to race at 6 ft, you could always come out & still have a great day, maybe be a start line timekeeper or safety support (on land) for a little while .. then go run a lap or two on canyon creek .. then float downstream & literally take out at the race after party. i can't stage a race event if i don't have at least a barebones team of volunteers to do timekeeping duties. if it turned out to be 6 ft instead of 6+ on sunday am, i would have had 6 teams willing to race but I wouldn't have had finish line timekeepers .. and none of the racers that opted out offered to help out in any way.

also, briefly .. about on-river safety .. the robe race was never contingent upon there being safety kayakers. there aren't enough people around here that even paddle robe to populate every rapid with safety people. that's why it's a team race. as mentioned before, racers gotta be secure in their own & their partner's skills. if uncomfortable, this race ain't for you. as this is the second year, everyone has had, in theory, over a year to get to know the run & get comfortable running it with their partners.

having said that, last year's event, with tons of ppl standing on shore holding bags the whole way down to hotel california, as well as a sizeable on-water safety crew, was awesome .. but seems to be more a function of ass-bustin' low flow that lots people seem to prefer. (news flash: robe is harder in the mid 5's than it is the upper 5's)
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water wacko
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  Quote water wacko Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 5:26pm
I'm not sure how I'm a bad guy for any of this, even 'name dropping.' Rob's my friend like ALCOHOLIC said. I think he's badass, and I'm proud of Rob.
I've never had a burning desire to kayak Robe at all. I think it's great others do and I think the race is an awesome idea and congratulate you for heading the effort, making it happen last year, and working on it this year. I respect the boaters who do run Robe, but it ain't my bag. I don't feel obligated to 'voluteer'. I don't feel I'm letting my 'community' down by not being there. Nor do I feel like commenting positively about one of my closest friends would be something I would get slammed for. I'll ask permission next time before I post on 'the robe thread.'
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  Quote JoesKayak Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 5:30pm
Too bad things didn't work out. I'm not a Robe boater myself, but I had a great time last year as safety support... If that's what you call sitting on a rock drinking a beer with a throwbag close by ... And would have liked to help this year, but for me personally it was a matter of timing. Last year it was earlier in the season and not alot of other runs were in at the time so it was a great way to spend a day. This year the attempt was later in the season and happened to be an awesome weekend for boating with great flows all over the place and so, just no way I was going to trade watching boating for actually boating somewhere. I'm sure there are lot of others who are in basically the same "boat" who would also have volunteered in some capacity. Best of luck for next time, it was a great event last year, hopefully it happens again. Props to you, Todd for your work on this really cool race.
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  Quote jP Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 7:03pm
well said, Joe. I've found May to be a tough time of year to pin people down. There are so many options this time of year (yes we are VERY spoiled here in the PNW). Often I don't know my weekend plans until very late on Friday because everyone waits till the last minute to show their hand.
Todd-- I'm TRULY sorry for my own silence. This was not intentional. There are two reasons.
1) perhaps the biggest reason for me is the economy. work is hard to come by, i'm broke, hungry, my phone got shut off, and I can't afford internet access. communication is a challenge right now.
2) 6.4' is above my personal cutoff. 6.2' is my current height limit as I've had one clean run at that level and one run that kicked my ass about 4 times hard. I can paddle it at 6' or race it below 6', but I'm reluctant to combine the two. Fish and I were basicly on the same page, so we stuck together all weekend on standby to monitor flows. When they were clearly above 6', we salvaged the weekend to do some other paddling.
Hey, the Robe Gnomes got one over on us, even you, Todd. I'm sorry. I wanted to participate. Fish and I kept the whole weekend open for the event. For some reason the high flows made me really dread the race. I've been trying to get out on Robe for some fresh practice runs for weeks now, but it's been consistantly high.
I wouldn't blame this forum too much though. There's only a small fraction of the members here who run Robe at all, let alone run it at the higher end of the stick gauge. And then there's other paddlers who seem to avoid this forum like the plague. But where were they? Also absent, I gather. I do feel bad that you were left holding the bag.
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  Quote zenofww Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 8:32pm
Would people come to race/watch when other things are flowing even if the robe is at 5.0 -5.7? would it take the flow being at a certain levels to interest people to come out and watch/help with the race and maybe get a chance to paddle it with the safety crew if only the flow was low enough? what I am also wondering is if people REALLY are not comfortable paddling/hanging out/racing the robe at the higher flows? if so then lets just get it out there. THEN when the time comes to plan the event we will know the parameters better. it seems like some effort/fustration could have been saved if people would have piped in and said they would rather go kayaking elsewhere then race/watch at ???flows. I know I dont want the race to be a pissing match for the few that boat it at high flows, and I imagine others dont need to see that either. Id like to have a bunch of people on the river to hangout/race with then a party afterwards. Even if its 4.9 ft.

Other plans can get in the way, flows are hard to predict but its a damn fine run with great logistics and consistently decent flows and I feel its worth the time and effort to put a day of other runs off to enjoy and show support for the great kayaking it has to offer.

looking forward to a future race date.

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  Quote RemAcct2 Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 8:50pm

Edited by leifkirchoff - 19 May 2009 at 10:25am
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  Quote fiddleyak Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 9:04pm
Of course the race should be held when flows are low so we get lots of participation.
The fact is the race was scheduled for a date when there was at least a 50% chance that we would have 5.5+. Noone said anything or complained, and instead just kept silent up until the day of the race.
I had a great time racing Robe last year and I was really looking forward to it this year. However, we're now in the peak of our season. Personally, I think we should call it off until the first Saturday in Oct/Nov that flows are between 5 and 5.5.
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  Quote toddg Replybullet Posted: 18 May 2009 at 11:07pm
i'll try to respond to everyone briefly.

brett -- didn't mean to "slam" you. just was kind of bummed that you had no interest in this thread or the concept of the race, until a day after race day, & only then for the reason of talking about your friend who was one of numerous people running robe at high flow. think about it. but no big deal man, i'm just offloading some steam.

joe -- if you weren't planning to race or volunteer, then no explanation needed. but i appreciate the thoughts just the same!

JP -- hate to hear about your situation, that totally blows. unfortunately, lots of ppl in the same boat at the moment. lemme know if i can help .. at least with beer :) & again, never intended to run the race at 6.4, so no need for anyone to explain about not wanting to race at 6.4. but had we woken up to 5.9, as of 2 am the night before when i finally got to sleep, i had next to no commitments from people & a whole lot of silence.

zen -- well said. this is what i was getting at in the "3 questions" email/post. the main thing too, is that i really need to be more proactive on the volunteer thing, & get solid commitments from people who are psyched to do it.

leif -- i'm aware of the wide range of paddlers who frequent this site. i'm also aware that it's a great "shotgun" approach to reaching a wider audience than i'd be able to hit with just my email contacts. it's also the only real NW-only forum, so it makes sense to post here. don't think this is the only outlet i utilized for promoting this. your advice would be spot on if i just loved doing event planning & i wanted to create an event just for having an event's sake, or one just for PP members. that's not the case. robe canyon, whether or not it smacks of "elitism", is one of the best stretches of class V whitewater in the country. class V kayakers like to race class V whitewater. it happens all over the world. i wanted to create a totally one-of-a-kind, grassroots-oriented race, that screams "northwest" not "elitism". robe is that race. it's an hour out of seattle & is very well suited to the race format we've set up. but to do that, to really pull off a successful event, i need the buy-in of racers (which we had) & volunteers (which we did not have). it's not a race for the "rank & file" & i don't expect this event to cater to everyone or even half of everyone .. but the spectator-friendly nature of robe, the nearby class IV options, & the free beer are things that even the "rank & file" can enjoy on a sunny sunday afternoon, as evidenced by last year's event. but to joe's point, maybe there were just too many other options for people to choose from. i just expected better communication from those who were supposed to participate.

fiddle/ben -- the race maybe "should" be held at low flow, but it is what it is. guessing what ma nature is gonna do is extraordinarily difficult, as you know. we based these dates off long-range weather forecasts & snotel data, a month or two out. we ALMOST nailed it. it got warmer than even the meteorologists predicted 36 hrs out .. shit! & think about the racer backlash if we postponed or canceled race day because it was running 5.8, not 5.5 or whatever.

as ben mentioned, we're almost certainly in the upswing to peak. as such it makes sense to try to plan the race for the back side of the bell curve .. which is going to be even tougher.

the new strategy is 666, the number of the beast. for the race to happen, i need a minimum of 6 committed volunteers, a minimum of 6 teams who will race on race day at a maximum of 6 feet on the gauge. this whole thing is a learning process for me & one conclusion i've come to is that i'm gonna build the volunteer army out of non-kayakers! these people are unsullied by whitewater insecurity, flow concerns & the threat of class V elitism .. i just thought all along that kayakers who didn't want to race would have an interest in helping out.

thanks for taking the time to weigh in & for reading this far, if you actually made it!


edit: i think on thursday i actually said to somebody, "i'm beyond confident that we'll have perfect flows on sunday!" karma's a beeyotch, eh?

Edited by toddg - 18 May 2009 at 11:54pm
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  Quote PowWrangler Replybullet Posted: 19 May 2009 at 12:20am
Leif, this isn't about mass marketing an event.  Who cares if not everyone can participate?  Should the Green Race have a class III race on the upper for those that can't handle Gorilla?  Maybe the Boston Marathon should reduce it's distance so more folks can feel included?

Anyhoo, hopefully this can get off the ground again sometime soon.  Sucks that volunteers couldn't committ....maybe have g.f's/wives of racers as backup in case hem/hawers didn't show up?  I am guilty of not replying to that email, kind of got lost in the fray I guess. 

I agree with Joe as well.  I've got a kid now and have limited times to get in my boat.  When I saw Robe predicted to stay out of my current comfort range, I knew I was not going to spend my time hanging out with a bag on shore, I was going to be getting a full day of paddling in somewhere.

If she's is in the med - med/low range and I can get a hall pass for the next race date, I'll be there for sure.
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  Quote PaulGamache Replybullet Posted: 19 May 2009 at 12:38am
Ben brought up a good point, why not just have the race in the Fall?

There's much less boating options during that time and the flows are much more predictable, this could even lead to it being a boating destination during that time of the year since there's few other choices for class V.

Todd, I know how much of a bitch putting on an event can be.  It's almost impossible to know if people are going to show up, no one commits to anything, and your stuck holding the bill.  None of it's personal, kayakers are flaky, non-committal, cheap dirtbags. 

Best thing to do, pick a date, tell people, put it on regardless if people are showing up or not.  My take is that I'm going to have a great time regardless if anyone else shows up.

First year we did the race down Burnt Ranch we had only 3 people (Hawthorne, Wolfgram, and I) race at a flow of 3,700 (far higher than when most people paddle the Ranch let alone race), with no safety. That said it is still one of the most fun days of racing I've had, not my fault no one else rallied.

Best of luck w/ the race nonsense.  Everyone appreciates your efforts.
27/320 & 1 bootie
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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 19 May 2009 at 8:05am
I have not really had any involvement in the race from last year or this years. So in that sense it might not matter what I have to say, but as a paddler that loves robe I will chime in. With a shoulder still on the mend I don't race, I paddle what I paddle at my own pace. I also am one of the lower end Robe paddlers. High fives is fine but 6 will be where I get out. If the race were on the 4.8-5.8 range I would be inclined to come out, first so I could boat (I know it sounds selfish, but we got this depression on an I got to do for me and my own) and second so I could run safety somewhere. That being said I never volunteered for the race because it was rather clear it was going to be in a zone that I did not want to make a weekend out of. I think it is safe to say from last years Icicle race that if the river is not at a level others don't want to boat at, no one shows up, just the racers that are ready to go.

Onto Leif, for some dag gone reason you always go piping off like this. The PP ball was there for you buddy, there to capture what ever the group wanted. What now only events can take place that satisfy the masses... forget that. To each his own. I am stoked that Todd is willing to take time to plan an event, coordinate it and include PP as an outlet for communicating. We all should be. Now if he were looking to sell shit and make money, like others, it would be a different story, but hot dang he wants to get people having fun, then, fill em with viddles and booze for free. I find it hard to believe there is much to criticize there.

As for the majority of boaters that do robe and harder runs but stay clear of PP. It's easy to see why with all these crappy responses in varied threads. When you already have your network, beta, and skill there is little need to post, maybe just an occasional read to ponder the foolishness that follows youth.

All that to say thanks Todd, and hope its in on the downside of the bell, in a range that sub 6ft paddlers enjoy because there is no question that is the majority of robers.
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