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Thursday, May 29, 2008
The last weekend best fits the title "crazy daze".

I spent the better part of last weekend bouncing around with the support of several friends to host an event that might take root as a new community festival. Alot of people took part in the planning, execution and cleanup. But there are a few people that I would like to really thank.

First is my wife, not because she did so much, but because she let me. It wasn't hard since school was her focus but without her support and willingness to let me spend more time and money we would not have had the same event.

Next is Tobin, and tobin could really go first but I am not really that stupid. Tobin basically offered to help with the ramp along with Brett, and Brad. Then all of a sudden while I am bashing my head in calling sponsors, Tobin rings in with all this crazy gear, and it turns out while I thought I was doing all this work alone he was off callin and bangin on doors to make it happen too. It did not stop there though, next he started helping me find alternative locations for the event since our initial plan fell through. And while I was working with the Forest Service for permitting, he was loading trailers of scaffolding. The weekend before the ball he basically lead our team on assembling the ramp and then late on Sunday, tired and ready to go home, he leans to me and says "All I am going to be doing the weekend of the Ball is holding a beer and chilling" I agreed that he had done way more than anyone could ask and thanked him again. Of course the weekend of the Ball, Tobin is back out there helping make changes to the Ramp, loading and unloading, registering, raffling and generally making things happen all over. I can't say thanks enough Tobin.

It seems lame to start mentioning so many more names after all that, but it is quite deserved since alot of other people helped in big ways too. Leif and his Chilli, we all know I am talking about the Truck cause that topping was radioactive in his entry, but he spend mass amounts of time in preperation, planning and managing the volunteers force. He is a gifted manager and I even saw him doing manual labor. Amber, and Meghan basically ran the registration desk with a brief break by Lydia, and up at the Race both were timers. Tom on the Trash, Mike helped out alot the weekend prior along with Brad! Brad built and cut basically the whole ramp at home designing and researching on the web, then going out buying the materials and making it happen.

I am just now realizing how many people supported this event, and it was truly everyone there. Fish was running the Ramp, Phil taught him how to run the tractor ... kinda scary, but that got us too shuttling wood while Rob Sr. was lumberjackin with the paul bunion swing!

The DJ could not have DJ'd without Yotes and his AMP, Apple Valley Plumbing helped us out huge with a short notice Porta Potty, and luckily we did not need the third one!

Needless to say when I found out that this years event was not going to leave anyone footing a bill, and further more with all this support and generosity we raised a hefty amount to Donate. All I can keep saying is Thanks Everyone for all the Hard Work!

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