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Getting ready for some more work.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
As many of you know the new site went live just less than one week ago. Unexpectedly a good portion of our group suggested that the new colors  (Which were changed for another portion of our group)  were to bright and that they preferred the old colors more. There were some other comments as well which were a bit un-expected but also very useful. Out of the feedback I made a post that had a few areas that were slated to change. The list of areas was something like this.

  1. Add Active Users to all Pages like old site (James)
  2. Prevent Gallery Albums from being created with no name. (Tradguy, D4, James)
    You figure that people will name albums, but there is always a Tom out there somewhere.
  3. Fix Pool Session Page & Link (James)
  4. Write instructions for Image & Video uploads (Tradguy, James)
  5. create PM Notification tool (James)
  6. Finish Trip Email Tools (James)
  7. Add content to Homepage (Beth)
  8. Make Trip Planner Better (ktw)
  9. create Site Color selector (Hydro, Tradguy, Pow, Spilly, ktw)
  10. Edit Main Forum Page. To Many Lame Orange Forum Headers (James)
  11. Add PM Link to all pages by User Settings Link (James)
  12. Add New fields to media that ties users into photo's and offer user listings. (Harms)
After waking up this morning and seeing snow on the ground, I realized that my toe was telling me to stay home and be productive. So stay tuned for updates.

Written by James View   0 Comment(s)

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